4 Common Roofing Myths Debunked

The roof is a home’s first and most valuable line of defense against the elements. Regretfully, many homeowners miscalculate the level of care that a roof requires — incorrectly believing they can stay on top of their roof’s health without actually getting on top of their roof. To help you make the best decisions regarding the care of your roof, we are debunking four of the most common roofing myths.

common roofing myths debunked

Myth: A Roof Can Be Inspected from the Inside

Many homeowners neglect roof maintenance until a leak appears. Unfortunately, by the time a leak makes itself visible, it is most likely accompanied by wood rot, mold, and mildew growth. While there may currently be no signs of leaks from inside your home or attic, your roof needs to be inspected annually from the top to ensure that there are no signs of damage that require repair. Even if your roof looks good from the ground, constant exposure to severe weather and heat will wear down the protective qualities of a roof and create vulnerabilities that may go unnoticed by untrained eyes.

Myth: More Attic Insulation Can Protect a Roof

Attic insulation saves homeowners money on their monthly utility costs by helping to regulate the internal temperature of their home. It has also been known to help prevent the structure of a roof from warping under intense heat. However, adding too much insulation to an attic can block ventilation and trap moisture — which can lead to roof-deteriorating mold growth. To be safe, only add a proper amount of insulation to your attic to ensure your home maintains a desirable temperature and instead invest in quality roofing materials to help absorb or repel heat from the outside.

Myth: You Can Install New Shingles Over Old Ones

Shingles should not be used as patch-work for minor leaks. You should always remove your old shingles before replacing them because there may be underlying damage that the existing shingles are masking from view. If a leak is discovered, don’t simply place new shingles over old ones. Have the damaged shingles removed from the area around the leak and properly inspect the underlayment and wood for any water damage that needs to be addressed. Once the leak is plugged, and the area is moisture-free, then you can have your new shingles installed.

Myth: Any Roof Damage is Covered by Homeowners Insurance

Responsible home-ownership involves an understanding of your home’s insurance coverage. While homeowners insurance may cover a leaky roof, coverage largely depends on what caused the leak. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance does not cover damage from general wear and tear or improper or inadequate weatherproofing construction. Certain roofing materials; however, may come with warranties that can range in length from 10 to 30 years. For instance, some clay tile manufacturers will guarantee their product against color fading for up to 50 years.

Proven Quality Roofing

To ensure your home is protected from damage that results in leaks, rot, and mold, have your roof inspected by quality roofing experts. At Roof Commander, we are experienced in all types of roof inspections, installations, weatherproofing, and repairs. Get a free quote and schedule a professional roof inspection today by contacting us at 352-459-7599.